The Sunday before, I took part in Christ Redeemer Church's baptism ceremony. Four of us were baptized that day in a compact but touching service at the Wilder boat launch. A large number of the CRC congregation were in attendance, as well as my aunt and a friend from Dartmouth. Don, our pastor, began by offering a brief explanation of the meaning and significance of baptism. After that each of us got up in turn and gave his testimony of faith, and then we moved down to the water.

As I waded into the Connecticut River, Don insisted that the water was warmer than ever before for a CRC baptism. That may be so, but past ceremonies were surely performed above the Arctic Circle. In any event, I was only in the river for two or three minutes at most. Being baptized was one of the high points of the summer so far, and in a lot of ways that are even now continuing to sink in for me, one of the most momentous occasions in my life.
Baptism symbolizes the new life we have through faith in Jesus Christ. Being lowered into the water and brought back up represents spiritual rebirth. When performing baptisms, Don emphasizes that this is something happening to you and not something you can do under your own power. Baptism is also a partial fulfillment of the Great Commission, the instructions Jesus gives his disciples when he addresses them following his resurrection. "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age" (Matthew 28: 18-20).

As I said at the conclusion of my testimony, I praise God that He brought me here to Dartmouth and I praise Him that He led me to this wonderful church, because through the faithful witness of the saints He brought me to His Son.
Rob, I think baptism is the one and only thing that could be more exciting then setting a date. I am so happy for you and so proud of you. This blog post really raises my spirits. Praise to our Savior, to our Father, and to a love that knows no bounds! :)